
David Heller, National Campaign Chair-Jewish Federations of North America

The work of Givat Haviva is critically important now more than ever...that we have a society Arabs and Jews live, work and play together.

Larry Garber, Board Member

I wish people knew more about both the breadth of programs that operate under the Givat Haviva banner and the concrete results that are achieved on an annual basis.

Lloyd Robinson, Board Member

I am most excited that I can be a part of this movement to make Israel a better and stronger democracy that will only make Israel a better place to be and a beacon to the rest of the world

Rabbi Sid Schwartz, Board Member

Givat Haviva has done remarkable work for decades in building bridges of understanding between Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs. Its innovative approach to building a true, “shared society” in Israel is among the best in the country, and I am familiar with a good many of those important efforts

Mohammad Darashwe, Givat Haviva-Director of Strategy

Givat Haviva’s many years of experience have taught us that, out of every calamity, it is possible to extract points of light and hope for a better future. Even the dreadful October 7 can serve as a source of opportunity. Every crisis sharpens our understanding of the issues, teaches us where we could do better or contribute more from our knowhow and resources. That, in turn, increases our optimism as to the progress we can make in improving the Israeli reality so that the future can be a better one for every woman and man, irrespective of religion, nationality, gender, or sex.

In such tough times in our country, it brings me joy to work in the Arab sector—a feeling of disconnect from all the chaos here. It’s fulfilling to be part of making our world a better place to live in. Personally, over the past two years, beyond just work and the coexistence of living together, I’ve formed many genuine friendships with teachers and have grown very attached to my students.

Lia- Teacher in Givat Haviva's Shared Language Program

Today, I can say that I completely trust the process and the program without doubts. I enjoy the teaching and the students. The lesson plans contribute to students’ meaningful learning, and a connection to the Hebrew language lands softly among them. The program enables the acquisition of knowledge, thinking, emotion and even affects the students' personal lives.

Ron- Teacher in the Shared Language Program

To bridge worlds and cultures sounds like a big slogan, like a grandiose statement. The truth is that it takes place every day in the smallest and simplest actions, in communication that is at eye level and in the agreement to open the heart. It's surprising and exciting what follows from the simplest things. I believe with all my heart that the future of our existence in this world lies in our ability to connect different and diverse people. The Shared Language Program creates a way for this action.

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